Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Eligibility for financial aid for undergraduate students is contingent on maintaining a satisfactory academic record, according to the standards described in the

You are expected to achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and make consistent progress toward your degree by earning an adequate number of credits each semester.

What happens to my financial aid if I am placed on academic probation?

Your eligibility for financial aid will depend on the length of time you remain on academic probation.

  • One semester: You will be eligible for federal and institutional aid.
  • Two semesters: You will lose eligibility for federal aid.
  • Three semesters: You will lose eligibility for both institutional and federal funding.

You will regain institutional and federal need-based eligibility for funding after achieving satisfactory academic progress and removal from academic probation.

Can I appeal the loss of my financial aid because of academic probation?

Yes. If you lose federal or institutional funding due to not making satisfactory academic progress, you may appeal to have the aid reinstated.

The appeal must include:

  1. An explanation for not achieving the required GPA or earning the attempted credits.
  2. A detailed plan listing how the required GPA and the attempted credits will be reached.
  3. Support for your plan provided by an academic dean or your advisor.

Please email the appeal and supporting documentation to

Contact Us

The Office of Student Financial Services administers financial aid and student billing.