Department of Psychology and Education
The Psychology and Education Department offers courses that cover an extensive territory, including developmental psychology, social psychology, personality and abnormal psychology, perception and cognition and bio bases of behavior. We also offer options for teacher licensure in education.
A hallmark of our curriculum is a series of advanced-level laboratory courses beyond our intermediate-level statistics and research methods courses. Each area of the curriculum has advanced laboratory courses and seminars, providing a very wide range of choice, and hands-on research experience. In addition to our courses, we emphasize independent work with faculty, and we have an array of such opportunities, ranging from one-or two-credit experiences for first-year students to honors theses for seniors. Department facilities include modern computers and laboratories in several areas, and the Gorse Children's Center at Stonybrook, a laboratory preschool and kindergarten in its own building, serving as an observation and study site for our undergraduate students.